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games:tetris [2018-03-22 16:52]
games:tetris [2018-04-11 17:41] (current)
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-====== ​Title ======+====== ​Tetris ​======
 <WRAP right round box 40%> <WRAP right round box 40%>
 ^                   ​Tetris ​                                                 ^^ ^                   ​Tetris ​                                                 ^^
-                     ​[[File:​tetris_1.png]]                                ||+                  {{:games:​tetris_1.png|}}                                ||
 | Developer ​   | {{tagpage>​Games:​Spectrum Holobyte}} ​                       | | Developer ​   | {{tagpage>​Games:​Spectrum Holobyte}} ​                       |
 | Publisher ​   | {{tagpage>​Games:​xxx}} ​                                     | | Publisher ​   | {{tagpage>​Games:​xxx}} ​                                     |
Line 13: Line 13:
 === System Requirements === === System Requirements ===
-| CPU              | {{tagpage>​Games:​Intel 80186 and earlier}} ​{{tagpage>​Games:​286}} {{tagpage>​Games:​386}} {{tagpage>​Games:​486}} {{tagpage>​Games:​Pentium ​or compatible}} ​equivalent | +| CPU              | {{tagpage>​Games:​Intel 80186 and earlier}} or equivalent | 
-| Graphics adapter | {{tagpage>​Games:​Text-mode|Text-mode graphics}}\\ {{tagpage>​Games:​Hercules|Hercules or monochrome}}\\ ​{{tagpage>​Games:​CGA|CGA (Color Graphics Adapter)}}\\ {{tagpage>​Games:​EGA|EGA (Enhanced Graphics Adapter)}}\\ {{tagpage>​Games:​VGA|VGA (Video Graphics Array)}}\\ {{tagpage>​Games:​Super VGA}} | +| Graphics adapter | {{tagpage>​Games:​CGA|CGA (Color Graphics Adapter)}}\\ {{tagpage>​Games:​EGA|EGA (Enhanced Graphics Adapter)}}\\ {{tagpage>​Games:​Tandy|Tandy}}\\ {{tagpage>​Games:​PCjr}} | 
-| Memory ​          | 512 kilobytes ​conventional memory ​       |  +| Memory ​          | 512 kbytes ​conventional memory ​   |  
-| Hard disk space  | 1 megabyte ​                              |+| Hard disk space  | 286 kbytes ​                       ​|
 === Downloads === === Downloads ===
-| [[Media:FILE1.ZIP|FILE1.ZIP]] | Game Version 1.0 | Shareware Episode - BBS & Online Version ​| +| [[Media:TETRIS.ZIP|TETRIS.ZIP]] |Tetris ​Version 1.0|Full version ​|
-| [[Media:​FILE2.ZIP|FILE2.ZIP]] | Game Version 2.0 | Shareware Episode - Updated Version | +
- +
-=== Cheat codes === +
-Pressing [backspace] [pgdn] at the same time will give you all keys and full gun power. This can be used in either the shareware or registered version of the game. +
- +
-== Debug Mode == +
-To activate, start up the game with "​asp"​ as a command line parameter. (It must be in lower case.) Once activated, you can press the following key co +
-mbinations inside the game. All keys in each combination must be pressed simultaneously. +
- +
-  * [G] [O] [D] - Full health & all items +
-  * [G] [O] [W] - Takes you to the next level. You need to keep using it to progress through the levels.+
 === Gallery === === Gallery ===
-[[File:duke_nukum_1.png]] [[File:duke_nukum_2.png]] +{{:games:​tetris_2.png|}} | {{:games:​tetris_3.png|}} 
-[[File:duke_nukum_3.png]] [[File:duke_nukum_4.png]] |+{{:games:​tetris_4.png|}} | {{:games:​tetris_5.png|}} |
 === Video preview === === Video preview ===
-| [[File:Dn1.gif|640px]] |+<WRAP left round box 348px> 
-{{tag>​Games:​Action ​Games:Arcade Games:​Platformer Games:​Racing Games:​Simulation Games:​Sports Games:19XX Games:​Text-mode Games:​Hercules ​Games:CGA Games:EGA Games:VGA Games:Super VGA Games:Intel 80186 and earlier Games:286 Games:386 486 Games:​Pentium or compatible Games:0-9 Games:ABC Games:DEF Games:GHI Games:​JKL ​Games:MNO Games:PQRS Games:TUV Games:WXYZ Games:Company}}+{{tag>​Games:​Strategy ​Games:1987 Games:CGA Games:EGA Games:Tandy Games:PCjr Games:Intel_80186_and_earlier ​Games:TUV Games:Spectrum_Holobyte ​Games:Todo}}
games/tetris.1521737556.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018-03-22 16:52 by omolini