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games [2018-03-21 19:41]
games [2018-05-11 04:33] (current)
omolini [DOS Software Archival Project]
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== ​Golden Games Archive ​====== +{{ :​games:​images:​dsalogo5.png?​nolink|}} 
-Welcome to the GGA Project! Our aim is to preserve and make available original unchanged versions of computer games for the MS-DOS operating system.+====== ​DOS Software Archival Project ​====== 
 +Welcome to the DSA Project! Our aim is to preserve, document ​and make available originalunchanged versions of PC compatible ​computer games and software ​for the MS-DOS operating system.
-== Game browser ​== +=== Support === 
-| Name | [[:Category:​0-9|1-9]] - [[:​Category:​ABC|ABC]] ​[[:​Category:​DEF|DEF]] - [[:​Category:​GHI|GHI]] - [[:​Category:​JKL|JKL]] - [[:​Category:​MNO|MNO]] - [[:​Category:​PQR|PQR]] - [[:​Category:​STU|STU]] - [[:​Category:​VWXYZ|VWXYZ]] |+For information on how to run games, please visit [[Games:Support]] which has step-by-step instructions on how to run the programs on old and new computers.
-| Genre | [[tag:games:Action]] [[tag:games:Arcade]] - [[tag:​games:​Platformer]] - [[tag:​games:​Racing]] - [[tag:​games:​Simulation]] - [[tag:​games:​Sports]] |+  * [[Games:How do I run games from this site on my old PC]]
 +  * [[Games:How do I run games from this site on my new PC]]?
-| Release year | [[tag:​games:​1984]] - [[tag:​games:​1985]] - [[tag:​games:​1986]] - [[tag:​games:​1987]] - [[tag:​games:​1988]] - [[tag:​games:​1989]] - [[tag:​games:​1990]] - [[tag:​games:​1991]] - [[tag:​games:​1992]] - [[tag:​games:​1993]] - [[tag:​games:​1994]] - [[tag:​games:​1995]] - [[tag:​games:​1996]] - [[tag:​games:​1997]] - [[tag:​games:​1998]] |+=== Contributions === 
 +Would you like to contribute? Feel free to get in contact!
-Recommended processor ​[[tag:games:Intel 80186 and earlier]] ​[[tag:games:286]] [[tag:games:386]] [[tag:games:486]] [[tag:games:Pentium ​or compatible]] ​|+=== Game browser === 
 +Name {{tagpage>​Games:0-9}} - {{tagpage>​Games:ABC|ABC}} ​{{tagpage>​Games:DEF}} - {{tagpage>​Games:GHI}} {{tagpage>​Games:JKL}} - {{tagpage>​Games:MNO}} {{tagpage>​Games:PQRS}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​TUV}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​WXYZ}} | 
 +| Genre | {{tagpage>​Games:​Action}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​Arcade}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​Platformer}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​Racing}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​Simulation}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​Sports}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​Strategy}} | 
 +| Release year | {{tagpage>​Games:​1984}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​1985}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​1986}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​1987}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​1988}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​1989}}\\ {{tagpage>​Games:​1990}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​1991}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​1992}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​1993}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​1994}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​1995}}\\ ​ {{tagpage>​Games:​1996}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​1997}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​1998}} | 
 +| Recommended processor | {{tagpage>​Games:​Intel_80186_and_earlier}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​286}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​386}} - {{tagpage>​Games:486}} {{tagpage>​Games:Pentium_or_compatible}} | 
 +| Graphics mode | {{tagpage>​Games:Text-mode|Text-mode graphics}}\\ {{tagpage>​Games:​Hercules|Hercules ​or monochrome}}\\ {{tagpage>​Games:​Tandy}}\\ {{tagpage>​Games:​PCjr}}\\ {{tagpage>​Games:​CGA|CGA (Color Graphics Adapter)}}\\ {{tagpage>​Games:​EGA|EGA (Enhanced Graphics Adapter)}}\\ {{tagpage>​Games:​VGA|VGA (Video Graphics Array)}}\\ {{tagpage>​Games:​Super VGA}} | 
 +| Other Categories | {{tagpage>​Games:​Developers}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​Publishers}} ​|
-| Graphics mode supported | [[tag:​games:​Text-mode graphics]]\\ [[tag:​games:​Hercules or monochrome]]\\ [[tag:​games:​CGA (Color Graphics Adapter)]]\\ [[tag:​games:​EGA (Enhanced Graphics Adapter)]]\\ [[tag:​games:​VGA (Video Graphics Array)]]\\ [[tag:​games:​Super VGA]] | +=== TODO === 
- +:!:
-^Genre^Release year^Recommended processor^Graphics mode supported^Other categories^ +
-|[[:​Category:​Action|Action]] ​        | [[:​Category:​Games released in 1990|1990]] | [[:​Category:​Games for 286 PC'​s|286]] ​                  | Text-mode graphics | [[tag:​Developers]] | +
-|[[:​Category:​Platformer|Platformer]] | [[:​Category:​Games released in 1991|1991]] | [[:​Category:​Games for 386 PC'​s|386]] | Hercules or monochrome | [[tag:​Companies]] |  +
-|                                    | [[:​Category:​Games released in 1992|1992]] | [[:​Category:​Games for 486 PC'​s|486]] | CGA (Color Graphics Adapter) |                                    | +
-|                                    | [[:​Category:​Games released in 1993|1993]] | [[:​Category:​Games for Pentium or compatible PC'​s|Pentium or compatible]] | EGA (Enhanced Graphics Adapter) | +
-|                                    | [[:​Category:​Games released in 1994|1994]] |         | VGA (Video Graphics Array) | +
-|                                    | [[:​Category:​Games released in 1995|1995]] |         | Super VGA | +
- +
-==== Support ==== +
-=== Installing PC/DOS games on ORIGINAL hardware === +
- +
-  * [[How do I install files from this site on my old PC?]] +
- +
-If you want to play these games on your old PC, you will need the following: +
- +
-  * An old computer which has [[wp>​MS-DOS]] as it's [[wp>​operating system]]. +
-  * A floppy disk drive (a USB drive will do just fine) +
-  * Some [[diskettes]] to copy files +
-  * [[PK tools]] (PKUNZIP, PKZIP) installed on your old computer +
- +
-New computers don't come with disk drives. This is a pity, but you could consider buying one off eBay. They are pretty cheap. +
- +
-=== Installation steps === +
- +
-  * Download the file and save the file to a diskette (Computer\Floppy disk drive (A:)) +
-  * Boot your old computer and insert the diskette in it's drive. +
-  * Create a directory for the program and copy the file there. +
-  * Unzip the file. +
-  * Find out which executable runs the game and run it +
- +
-=== Example === +
-You should have booted up your old computer, and see the <​code>​C:​\></​code>​ -prompt. If you do not see this prompt, you may be running Windows. You must shut down Windows to enter pure MS-DOS. If you are running Windows 3.x, just close the Program Manager. If you are running Windows 95 or 98, click on Start --> Shut Down --> Restart in MS-DOS mode +
- +
-In this example we have downloaded [[Duke Nukem]] in a compressed archive (ZIP file format) copied it to a floppy disk. Now we are about to install it on the computer. To copy the file form the diskette onto your hard-drive:​ +
- +
-First make a directory for the game: +
- +
-  C:\>md duke +
-  C:\>cd duke +
-  C:​\DUKE>​ +
- +
-Now copy the file to C: +
- +
-  C:​\DUKE>​copy a:​\ c: +
-          1 file(s) copied +
- +
-We will now proceed to unzip the archive +
-  C:​\DUKE>​pkunzip +
- +
-After the process is done, you can see what the directory contains by typing: +
-  C:​\DUKE>​dir +
- +
-If you want to only see the files you can run, type: +
-  C:​\DUKE>​dir *.exe +
-   +
-  Volume in drive C is MS-DOS_6 +
-  Volume Serial Number is 4647-9F76 +
-  Directory of C:\DUKE +
-   +
-  DN1     ​EXE ​       54,688 11-01-91 ​  ​2:​00p +
-         4 file(s)123 ​     54,688 bytes +
-                        6,856,704 bytes free +
-   +
-  C:​\DUKE>​ +
- +
-We can see here, that the only program that can be run DN1. +
- +
-Type <​code>​DN1</​code>​ to start the game!+
 + - Star Goose (Freeware) EGA 256K
games.1521661288.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018-03-21 19:41 by omolini