How many light bulbs does it take to change a penguin?

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games [2018-03-21 22:37]
games [2018-05-11 04:33] (current)
omolini [DOS Software Archival Project]
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== ​Golden Games Archive ​====== +{{ :​games:​images:​dsalogo5.png?​nolink|}} 
-Welcome to the GGA Project! Our aim is to preserve, document and make available original, unchanged versions of PC compatible computer games for the MS-DOS operating system.+====== ​DOS Software Archival Project ​====== 
 +Welcome to the DSA Project! Our aim is to preserve, document and make available original, unchanged versions of PC compatible computer games and software ​for the MS-DOS operating system.
 === Support === === Support ===
-For information on how to run these original ​games, please visit [[Games:​Support]] which describes ​how to run the programs on old and new computers.+For information on how to run games, please visit [[Games:​Support]] which has step-by-step instructions on how to run the programs on old and new computers.
   * [[Games:How do I run games from this site on my old PC]]?   * [[Games:How do I run games from this site on my old PC]]?
   * [[Games:How do I run games from this site on my new PC]]?   * [[Games:How do I run games from this site on my new PC]]?
-== Game browser ==+=== Contributions === 
 +Would you like to contribute? Feel free to get in contact! 
 +=== Game browser ​===
 | Name | {{tagpage>​Games:​0-9}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​ABC|ABC}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​DEF}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​GHI}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​JKL}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​MNO}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​PQRS}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​TUV}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​WXYZ}} | | Name | {{tagpage>​Games:​0-9}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​ABC|ABC}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​DEF}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​GHI}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​JKL}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​MNO}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​PQRS}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​TUV}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​WXYZ}} |
-| Genre | {{tagpage>​Games:​Action}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​Arcade}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​Platformer}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​Racing}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​Simulation}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​Sports}} |+| Genre | {{tagpage>​Games:​Action}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​Arcade}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​Platformer}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​Racing}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​Simulation}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​Sports}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​Strategy}} |
 | Release year | {{tagpage>​Games:​1984}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​1985}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​1986}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​1987}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​1988}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​1989}}\\ {{tagpage>​Games:​1990}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​1991}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​1992}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​1993}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​1994}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​1995}}\\ ​ {{tagpage>​Games:​1996}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​1997}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​1998}} | | Release year | {{tagpage>​Games:​1984}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​1985}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​1986}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​1987}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​1988}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​1989}}\\ {{tagpage>​Games:​1990}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​1991}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​1992}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​1993}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​1994}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​1995}}\\ ​ {{tagpage>​Games:​1996}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​1997}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​1998}} |
-| Recommended processor | {{tagpage>​Games:​Intel 80186 and earlier}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​286}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​386}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​486}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​Pentium or compatible}} | +| Recommended processor | {{tagpage>​Games:​Intel_80186_and_earlier}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​286}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​386}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​486}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​Pentium_or_compatible}} | 
-| Graphics mode | {{tagpage>​Games:​Text-mode|Text-mode graphics}}\\ {{tagpage>​Games:​Hercules|Hercules or monochrome}}\\ {{tagpage>​Games:​CGA|CGA (Color Graphics Adapter)}}\\ {{tagpage>​Games:​EGA|EGA (Enhanced Graphics Adapter)}}\\ {{tagpage>​Games:​VGA|VGA (Video Graphics Array)}}\\ {{tagpage>​Games:​Super VGA}} |+| Graphics mode | {{tagpage>​Games:​Text-mode|Text-mode graphics}}\\ {{tagpage>​Games:​Hercules|Hercules or monochrome}}\\ {{tagpage>​Games:​Tandy}}\\ {{tagpage>​Games:​PCjr}}\\ {{tagpage>​Games:​CGA|CGA (Color Graphics Adapter)}}\\ {{tagpage>​Games:​EGA|EGA (Enhanced Graphics Adapter)}}\\ {{tagpage>​Games:​VGA|VGA (Video Graphics Array)}}\\ {{tagpage>​Games:​Super VGA}} |
 | Other Categories | {{tagpage>​Games:​Developers}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​Publishers}} | | Other Categories | {{tagpage>​Games:​Developers}} - {{tagpage>​Games:​Publishers}} |
 +=== TODO ===
 + - Star Goose (Freeware) EGA 256K
games.1521671828.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018-03-21 22:37 by omolini