If I try to fail, but succeed, which one did I do?

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Service Development Status

SERVICE Description Progress Status Notes
HTTP HTML GET requests 100%
HTML POST requests 0%
Dynamic content: Automatic file indexes 100%
Dynamic content: Server generated pages 100% Error codes (such as 404 error) reported to the web browser properly.
Dynamic content: Server-side Image Maps 100%
MIME types support 100%
CGI scripts support 100%
Search engines 60% Partial functionality with Comet and Yahoo search.
Page view counters 0% Planned for a future release.
HTML web chats 0% In progress.
News client support 0% Planned for a future release.
Multimedia streaming services 0% Planned for a future release.
WAP sites 0% Planned for a future release.
FTP Services on FTP 80% FTP sites are currently only accessible with a web browser. FTP clients will be supported in the future.
MIME types 100%
System generated file indexes 100%
System generated pages 100% Error conditions handled and presented to the web browser.
File descriptions in file indexes 40% Preliminary support.
GOPHER Services on Gopher 0% Planned for a future release.
TELNET Telnet services 0% Planned for a future release.
IRC Internet Relay Chat Server 0% Planned for a future release.
Messenger MSN/Windows Live Messenger 0% Planned for a future release.
retroweb/service_development_status.txt · Last modified: 2021-01-23 19:16 by omolini