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guides:how_to_get_a_usable_olpc_xo-1_system_in_2024 [2024-09-27 01:16]
omolini [Enable RPM Fusion repository for all missing packages (to enable things like MP3 playback, emulators etc.)]
guides:how_to_get_a_usable_olpc_xo-1_system_in_2024 [2024-09-27 03:46] (current)
Line 87: Line 87:
 enabled=1 enabled=1
 metadata_expire=7d metadata_expire=7d
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 If you want to install a RPM package manually, you can also go to https://​​mm/​publiclist/​ , and once you have selected your OS version and architecture,​ scroll down to bottom to click on either http or rsync methods. You can the download whatever RPM package you need, and use the ''​rpm -i''​ utility to install the RPM package. If you want to install a RPM package manually, you can also go to https://​​mm/​publiclist/​ , and once you have selected your OS version and architecture,​ scroll down to bottom to click on either http or rsync methods. You can the download whatever RPM package you need, and use the ''​rpm -i''​ utility to install the RPM package.
 ==== Example ==== ==== Example ====
guides/how_to_get_a_usable_olpc_xo-1_system_in_2024.txt · Last modified: 2024-09-27 03:46 by omolini