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guides:how_to_install_debian_on_olpc_xo-1 [2024-09-18 20:55]
guides:how_to_install_debian_on_olpc_xo-1 [2024-09-25 04:45] (current)
omolini [Restore apt-get functionality for "etch"]
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== How to install Debian GNU/Linux on OLPC XO-1 ====== ====== How to install Debian GNU/Linux on OLPC XO-1 ======
-This guide will guide you through the steps of installing Debian GNU/Linux "​etch"​ on an OLPC XO-1, and get it online with functioning apt package system. ​+This guide (updated 2024) will guide you through the steps of installing Debian GNU/Linux "​etch"​ on an OLPC XO-1 in a dual-boot configuration, and get it online with functioning apt package system. ​
 From there you can install a windowing system, or upgrade your edition of Debian. From there you can install a windowing system, or upgrade your edition of Debian.
Line 19: Line 19:
 In **Step 2**, the TAR command will probably not work as documented. Use the following command instead: In **Step 2**, the TAR command will probably not work as documented. Use the following command instead:
 <code bash> <code bash>
-# tar xzf /​media/​*/​xo-debian.tgz+# tar xvf /​media/​*/​xo-debian.tgz
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-===== To connect ​to WIFI (unencrypted or WEP) =====+===== Connect ​to your WI-FI network ​=====
   * Boot into Debian and log-in as root.    * Boot into Debian and log-in as root. 
 +==== Option 1: Unencrypted WI-FI network ====
   * Run the following commands:   * Run the following commands:
 <code bash> <code bash>
-  ​$ modprobe usb8xxx +$ modprobe usb8xxx 
-  $ iwconfig eth0 essid "<​SSID>" key "​s:<​PASSWORD>"+$ iwconfig eth0 essid "<​SSID>"​
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 Replace <​SSID>​ and <​PASSWORD>​ with respective values Replace <​SSID>​ and <​PASSWORD>​ with respective values
-To connect to WIFI (WPA or WPA2) +==== Option 2WEP encrypted WI-FI network ====
---------------------------------- +
-- Copy to root of a FAT32 formatted USB stick:+
-  ​1. wpasupplicant_05.5.5-2_i386.deb  +  ​* Run the following commands:
-  2. libdbus-1-3_1.0.2-1+etch3_i386.deb+
-- Connect USB stick to OLPC and mount it:+<code bash> 
 +$ modprobe usb8xxx 
 +$ iwconfig eth0 essid "<​SSID>"​ key "s:<​PASSWORD>"​ 
-  $ mkdir /​media/​usb +Replace <​SSID>​ and <​PASSWORD>​ with respective values
-  $ mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /media/usb+
-- Install packages:+==== Option 3WPA or WPA2 encrypted WI-FI network ==== 
-  ​$ cd /media/usb/ +  ​* Copy to root of a FAT32 formatted USB stick the following files. You can download them [[​olpc/​|from here]] or [[https://​​debian/​pool/​main/​|here]].
-  $ dpkg --install wpasupplicant_05.5.5-2_i386.deb  +
-  $ dpkg --install libdbus-1-3_1.0.2-1+etch3_i386.deb+
-Create wpa_supplicant.conf:+  1. wpasupplicant_05.5.5-2_i386.deb  
 +  2. libdbus-1-3_1.0.2-1+etch3_i386.deb
-  ​$ wpa_passphrase "<​SSID>"​ "<​PASSWORD>"​ | tee /​etc/​wpa_supplicant.conf+  ​* Connect USB stick to OLPC and mount it:
-  Replace ​<SSIDand <PASSWORDwith respective values+<code bash> 
 +$ mkdir /​media/​usb 
 +$ mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /​media/​usb 
-- Add the following lines to /etc/network/​interfaces:+  * Replace ​/dev/sda1 with the location of the USB stick'​s filesystem 
 +  * Install packages:
-    auto lo +<code bash> 
-    iface lo inet loopback+$ cd /​media/​usb/​ 
 +$ dpkg --install wpasupplicant_05.5.5-2_i386.deb  
 +$ dpkg --install libdbus-1-3_1.0.2-1+etch3_i386.deb 
-- Connect to WIFI:+  * Create wpa_supplicant.conf:
-  $ modprobe usb8xxx +<code bash> 
-  wpa_supplicant -B -Dwext -c /​etc/​wpa_supplicant.conf ​-i eth0 +wpa_passphrase "<​SSID>"​ "<​PASSWORD>"​ | tee /​etc/​wpa_supplicant.conf 
-  $ dhclient eth0+</​code>​
-- Test by pinging ​and  * Replace <​SSID> ​and <​PASSWORD>​ with respective values 
 +  * Add the following lines to /​etc/​network/​interfaces:​
-- If previous test worked, automate WIFI connection on startup:+  auto lo 
 +  iface lo inet loopback
-  ​Create /​root/​  ​* Connect to WIFI:
-    ​#​!/​bin/​bash +<code bash> 
-    +$ modprobe usb8xxx 
-    wpa_supplicant -B -Dwext -c /​etc/​wpa_supplicant.conf -i eth0 +$ wpa_supplicant -B -Dwext -c /​etc/​wpa_supplicant.conf -i eth0 
-    dhclient eth0+$ dhclient eth0 
 +  * Test by pinging **** and **** 
 +  * If previous test worked, automate WIFI connection on startup by first creating **/​root/​**:​ 
 +<code bash> 
 +wpa_supplicant -B -Dwext -c /​etc/​wpa_supplicant.conf -i eth0 
 +dhclient eth0 
   ​   ​
-  Make executable: 
-  ​$ chmod 770  ​* Then make it executable:
-  Create symbolic link to 
-  ​ln -s /root/ /etc/​rc2.d/​S99wifion+<code bash> 
 +chmod 770 
-Restore apt-get functionality for "​etch"​: +  * Create symbolic link to **** to run on bootup:
-- Open /​etc/​apt/​sources.list and replace the first line with the following:+<code bash> 
 +$ ln -s /​root/​ /​etc/​rc2.d/​S99wifion 
 +==== Restore apt-get functionality for "​etch"​ ==== 
 +  * Open /​etc/​apt/​sources.list and replace the first line with the following:
   deb http://​​debian-archive/​debian etch main   deb http://​​debian-archive/​debian etch main
-Run the following commands:+  * Run the following commands: 
 +<code bash> 
 +$ aptitude install debian-archive-keyring 
 +$ apt-get update 
 +From here you can install the rest of the system, windowing manager etc. Don't forget to set your root password!
-  $ aptitude install debian-archive-keyring +To boot up back into Sugar OS, just hold the "​O"​ game-key button when powering on the unit.
-  $ apt-get update+
 +{{tag>​Guides Guides:​Software Guides:"​OLPC XO-1"​}}
guides/how_to_install_debian_on_olpc_xo-1.1726692918.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024-09-18 20:55 by omolini