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guides:how_to_install_debian_on_olpc_xo-1 [2024-09-18 21:17]
guides:how_to_install_debian_on_olpc_xo-1 [2024-09-25 04:45] (current)
omolini [Restore apt-get functionality for "etch"]
Line 19: Line 19:
 In **Step 2**, the TAR command will probably not work as documented. Use the following command instead: In **Step 2**, the TAR command will probably not work as documented. Use the following command instead:
 <code bash> <code bash>
-# tar xzf /​media/​*/​xo-debian.tgz+# tar xvf /​media/​*/​xo-debian.tgz
 </​code>​ </​code>​
Line 50: Line 50:
 ==== Option 3: WPA or WPA2 encrypted WI-FI network ====  ==== Option 3: WPA or WPA2 encrypted WI-FI network ==== 
-  * Copy to root of a FAT32 formatted USB stick:+  * Copy to root of a FAT32 formatted USB stick the following files. You can download them [[http://​​olpc/​|from here]] or [[https://​​debian/​pool/​main/​|here]].
   1. wpasupplicant_05.5.5-2_i386.deb ​   1. wpasupplicant_05.5.5-2_i386.deb ​
Line 132: Line 132:
 To boot up back into Sugar OS, just hold the "​O"​ game-key button when powering on the unit. To boot up back into Sugar OS, just hold the "​O"​ game-key button when powering on the unit.
-{{tag>​Guides Guides:​Software}}+{{tag>​Guides Guides:​Software ​Guides:"​OLPC XO-1"}}
guides/how_to_install_debian_on_olpc_xo-1.1726694243.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024-09-18 21:17 by omolini