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guides:how_to_install_debian_on_olpc_xo-1 [2024-09-25 04:45]
guides:how_to_install_debian_on_olpc_xo-1 [2024-09-25 04:45] (current)
omolini [Restore apt-get functionality for "etch"]
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 To boot up back into Sugar OS, just hold the "​O"​ game-key button when powering on the unit. To boot up back into Sugar OS, just hold the "​O"​ game-key button when powering on the unit.
-{{tag>​Guides Guides:​Software Guides:OLPC XO-1}}+{{tag>​Guides Guides:​Software Guides:"OLPC XO-1"}}
guides/how_to_install_debian_on_olpc_xo-1.1727239526.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024-09-25 04:45 by omolini