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guides:running_classic_web_browsers [2024-09-04 18:04]
guides:running_classic_web_browsers [2025-02-10 22:54] (current)
omolini [Downloads]
Line 45: Line 45:
 | **Netscape Navigator 3.04 Gold** \\ (portable 32-bit, works in Windows 10) | {{ :​retroweb:​files:​ |}} | 1,941K | Unzip to a directory of your liking and run the executable. Works in 32-bit and 64-bit editions of Windows. | | **Netscape Navigator 3.04 Gold** \\ (portable 32-bit, works in Windows 10) | {{ :​retroweb:​files:​ |}} | 1,941K | Unzip to a directory of your liking and run the executable. Works in 32-bit and 64-bit editions of Windows. |
 | **Netscape Navigator 3.04 Gold** \\ (installer, 32-bit) | {{ :​retroweb:​files:​ |}} | 5,547K | Original installer package. Note: only works in 32-bit editions of Windows out of the box. For 64-bit Windows editions you'll need WineVDM installed. | | **Netscape Navigator 3.04 Gold** \\ (installer, 32-bit) | {{ :​retroweb:​files:​ |}} | 5,547K | Original installer package. Note: only works in 32-bit editions of Windows out of the box. For 64-bit Windows editions you'll need WineVDM installed. |
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guides/running_classic_web_browsers.txt · Last modified: 2025-02-10 22:54 by omolini