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guides [2020-05-03 06:28]
omolini [Retro Computing]
guides [2024-09-25 04:44] (current)
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 ===== Retro Computing ===== ===== Retro Computing =====
 ^ Hardware ^^ ^ Hardware ^^
 +| [[toshiba_t-series_support|Toshiba T-series support]] | Support page for Toshiba T-series laptops (such as Toshiba T3200SX, T3100, etc.) |
 ^ Software ^^ ^ Software ^^
-| [[:​guides:​DOS CD-ROM Emulation|How to: CD-ROM emulation for DOS games]] | This short guide explains how to make CD-ROM titles work without a CD. +| [[:​guides:​DOS CD-ROM Emulation|CD-ROM emulation for DOS games]] | This short guide explains how to make CD-ROM titles work without a CD. | 
-| [[:​guides:​Text Mode|Perfect ​8-column text mode graphics ​in VGA]] | Ever wondered ​how to make your VGA based computer show perfect text mode graphics in VGA? This guide takes a look at different ​text modes, and ways to make text look better under VGA |+| [[:​guides:​Text Mode|Perfect ​Text Mode in VGA]] | Ever wondered ​if there was a way to improve the display of ANSI graphics in VGA? This guide takes a look at EGA text modes. | 
 +| [[guides:​How ​to install Debian on OLPC XO-1|OLPC XO-1: How to install Debian OS]] | This documents the necessary steps to install Debian GNU/Linux on a OLPC XO-1. | 
 +| [[guides:​how_to_get_a_usable_olpc_xo-1_system_in_2024|OLPC XO-1: How to get a usable Fedora Linux System in 2024]] | This documents what you need to do if you want a usable Fedora Linux system with Gnome and other apps available in 2024. | 
 ^ Networking ^^ ^ Networking ^^
 | [[Guides:​Virtual Modem|Turn your Raspberry Pi into a Modem]] | Turn a Raspberry Pi into a Serial Dial-up Modem to connect to ethernet or the Internet | | [[Guides:​Virtual Modem|Turn your Raspberry Pi into a Modem]] | Turn a Raspberry Pi into a Serial Dial-up Modem to connect to ethernet or the Internet |
-| [[Guides:Web Archive Proxy|Steptail Wayback Proxy Server]] | Connect your retro computer ​to an archived copy of the Internet ​and browse it like it were 1998 again. |+| [[http://​​|ProtoWeb - the 90's Internet Service Provider]] | Connect your retro computer ​and surf the Internet like it's 1995
 +| [[Guides:​Running Classic Web Browsers]] | Run Classic Web Browsers on Modern Hardware and Windows 10! |
 {{tagpage>​Guides|Guides Index}} {{tagpage>​Guides|Guides Index}}
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 ===== About this site ===== ===== About this site =====
-//Resources on this site are provided as-is. I cannot ​guarantee that the information is accurate and/or that the software will work as expected in your case. As such, I cannot be held responsible or liable for any damage(s) caused either directly or indirectly by using any of the resources on this site, or by relying on other information I have provided. That said, I've made every effort to make sure the information and resources provided on this site are as accurate as possible. //+//Resources on this site are provided as-is. I do not guarantee that the information is accurate and/or that the software will work as expected in your case. As such, I cannot be held responsible or liable for any damage(s) caused either directly or indirectly by using any resources ​or information ​on this site. That said, I've made every effort to make sure the information and resources provided on this site are as accurate as possible. //
guides.1588487311.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020-05-03 06:28 by omolini