Who put the alphabet in alphabetical order?

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ProtoWeb User Agreement

By using ProtoWeb you agree to the terms outlined in this User Agreement. These terms are set in place to protect the integrity of the service and ensure that it stays safe for all of its users. Please read the agreement carefully.

Permissible use

ProtoWeb can be used by any user with any networked computer, and even by experimental means as long as the use of the service is done in good faith. You agree to not knowingly connect a compromised computer on the ProtoWeb network. You are welcome to mirror pages and files from ProtoWeb, but please note your bandwidth use when doing so.

Institutional use

Institutions are welcome to use ProtoWeb. Parties are highly encouraged to contact Administrators of the service as we may be able to provide accommodations to support the use of the service in your particular case.

Activity Logging and Abuse

All activity, including browsing ProtoWeb pages and archived websites, logon attempts, page edits and all suspicious activity are logged across all platforms on ProtoWeb. Malicious activity, including vandalism and improper use of the service is reported and will lead to banning access to the platform without notice. Serious cases will be reported to the authorities. These measures are in place to protect the integrity of the service, as well as the content being distributed on the platform. By using ProtoWeb service, you agree to these terms.

Limitations of Liability

We take great measures to make sure all ProtoWeb services are safe to use by everyone, but we are unable to completely ensure that all content will be harmless in your particular use case(s). Early websites and downloads frequently contained software that was not fully tested, and in some cases may not work, or may outright break or cause other damages to your software or hardware environment. Because of these reasons, we expect you to make sure you are using a proper anti-virus software and have other adequate protection in place while using any of the services offered by ProtoWeb. ProtoWeb comes with no warranty and/or guarantee of operation whatsoever, and the ProtoWeb Team shall not be held liable for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages resulting from using our service, except to the extent that such liability directly arises out of the negligence, wilful misconduct or lack of good faith of the Service Provider or failure to comply with its standard of care herein.

retroweb/user_agreement.1609017610.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020-12-26 21:20 by omolini