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toshiba_t-series_support:faq [2018-04-09 16:38]
toshiba_t-series_support:faq [2024-03-29 04:16] (current)
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 +| [[:Toshiba T-series Support|Home]] | [[:​toshiba_t-series_support:​System Articles]] | [[:​toshiba_t-series_support:​Files and Resources]] | [[:​toshiba_t-series_support:​FAQ]] | [[:Contact Information|Contact]] |
 ===== Questions and Answers ===== ===== Questions and Answers =====
 **Q: My computer gives me a configuration error when I turn it on**\\ **Q: My computer gives me a configuration error when I turn it on**\\
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  ​Strike the F1 key to continue. F2 to run the setup utility  ​Strike the F1 key to continue. F2 to run the setup utility
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-Depending on the model of your Toshiba system, you will want to see on of these articles: +Depending on the model of your Toshiba system, you will want to see one of these articles: 
-  * [[How do I boot my T3100e with an empty CMOS battery]] + 
-  * [[How do I boot my T3200SX ​with an empty CMOS battery]]+  * [[How do I boot my computer ​with an empty CMOS battery]]
 **Q: How can I access the built-in BIOS ?**\\ **Q: How can I access the built-in BIOS ?**\\
-**A:** Press CTRL + SHIFT + F10 when the computer powers on. If this does not work, you may use the TEST3.EXE utility, a little program by Toshiba which will open up the BIOS settings from a DOS environment. You might want to include this utility in your computer recovery disk. See below for files that apply to this type of machineor view all files at the [[.:​files ​and resources]] section.+**A:** To boot your computer into BIOS, do the following:  
 +  ​* Press **CTRL + SHIFT + F10** when the computer powers on.  
 +  * If this doesn'​t ​work, but you are able to boot the system from hard disk or floppy disk, you may want to boot the system, then manually run the TEST3.EXE utility, a little program by Toshiba which will open up the BIOS settings from a DOS environment. You might want to include this utility in your computer recovery/boot disk. To download the TEST3 utilitysee the [[Files and Resources]] section. ​
 **Q: I am still unable to access the BIOS.**\\ **Q: I am still unable to access the BIOS.**\\
-**A:** When the computer BIOS battery runs empty, it will clear all BIOS settings and will prompt you to review the system settings on power-up. This may be used to your advantage to get into BIOS. To force this behavior, disconnect the clock battery entirely. ​Wait for a few minutes and power up the computer again. The computer will ask the user to review the default settings. Please refer to [[How do I boot my T3200SX ​with an empty CMOS battery]]+**A:** When the computer BIOS battery runs empty, it will clear all BIOS settings and will prompt you to review the system settings on power-up. This may be used to your advantage to get into BIOS. To force this behavior, ​you need to disassemble the computer and disconnect the clock battery entirely. ​ 
 +To access the clock battery, you need to disassemble the computer. Please see instructions here: [[http://​​t3200sx/​mirror/​​~k/​archives/​21-Toshiba-T3200-SXC.html|The Toshiba T3200SXC and how to disassemble it]].  
 +Once disassembled,​ wait for a few minutes and power up the computer again. The computer will ask the user to review the default settings. Please refer to instructions on how to boot a T3100 or T3200 series computer from the following article: 
 +  * [[How do I boot my computer ​with an empty CMOS battery]]
 **Q: My computer does not hold settings or time**\\ **Q: My computer does not hold settings or time**\\
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 **Q: I can't get a larger/​custom hard drive working on my T3200SX(C). My computer won't boot, or it will refuse to detect the drive. **\\ **Q: I can't get a larger/​custom hard drive working on my T3200SX(C). My computer won't boot, or it will refuse to detect the drive. **\\
-**A:​** ​Unfortunately newer Toshiba T3200SX BIOSes are restricted to specific CONNER hard-drives of either 40 or 80 megabytes (the T3200SXC accepts 40 or 120 MB). On bootup, the BIOS queries the IDE controller for hard-drives,​ and will prevent the system from booting when it detects a hard drive with a part number that doesn'​t start with the matching letters '​CP'​ (Conner Peripherals).+**A:​** ​First, verify that the peripheral hard disk is working and is set to be a MASTER device from the IDE jumper settings. If this doesn'​t help, then you may be faced with the following situation: \\  
 +Newer Toshiba T3200SX BIOSes are restricted to specific CONNER hard-drives of either 40 or 80 megabytes (the T3200SXC accepts 40 or 120 MB). On bootup, the BIOS queries the IDE controller for hard-drives,​ and will prevent the system from booting when it detects a hard drive with a part number that doesn'​t start with the matching letters '​CP'​ (Conner Peripherals).
 There are three options: There are three options:
- +    - Buy a BIOS CMOS ROM drop-in replacement. I've started selling programmed ROM chips that have the 003C BIOS with an updated VGA BIOS for the T3200SXC. This will essentially allow you to use any hard disk. 
-  - Buy a working CONNER Hard-disk with the part number starting with '​CP',​ and use ANYDRIVE to circumvent the BIOS hardcoded drive size limitations.+    - Buy a working CONNER Hard-disk with the part number starting with '​CP',​ and use ANYDRIVE to circumvent the BIOS hardcoded drive size limitations.
   - Get an older BIOS chip, or hunt down a spares -computer with an older BIOS version and replace the chip.   - Get an older BIOS chip, or hunt down a spares -computer with an older BIOS version and replace the chip.
-  - Re-flash your BIOS chip with the 3CH BIOS found in the files-section,​ and again use ANYDRIVE to circumvent any size limitations. There is a well written BIOS re-flashing guide in the files page in the section labeled Documentation.+  - Re-flash your BIOS chip with the 003C (3CHBIOS found in the files-section,​ and again use ANYDRIVE to circumvent any size limitations. There is a well written BIOS re-flashing guide in the files page in the section labeled Documentation.
-On older Toshiba T3200SX machines (BIOS 003C) the computer will boot with any peripheral IDE drive, but you may still need to use ANYDRIVE to circumvent the BIOS hard-disk size limitations,​ because older BIOSes assume the hard disk is 40 MB. It may boot, but using the computer could cause hard drive corruption. With ANYDRIVE enabled, the program will manually reprogram the BIOS to use whatever size hard disk you want and utilize up to 512 megabytes on the hard drive. The program installs inside the Master Boot Record (MBR), so that it will run every time the computer starts.+On older Toshiba T3200SX(C) machines (BIOS 003C) the computer will boot with any peripheral IDE drive, but you may still need to use ANYDRIVE to circumvent the BIOS hard-disk size limitations,​ because older BIOSes assume the hard disk is 40 MB. It may boot, but using the computer could cause hard drive corruption. With ANYDRIVE enabled, the program will manually reprogram the BIOS to use whatever size hard disk you want and utilize up to 512 megabytes on the hard drive. The program installs inside the Master Boot Record (MBR), so that it will run every time the computer starts. ​To download ANYDRIVE, please refer to the following page: 
 +  * [[Files and Resources]] 
 +**Q: How do I dump the BIOS?**\\ 
 +**A: **To dump the main BIOS, download the following zip file:  
 +{{ :​toshiba_t-series_support:​utils:​ |}}. 
 +Extract the file BIOS.EXE from the above downloaded zip file and copy it to a bootable floppy. 
 +Also copy DEBUG.EXE from a standard MSDOS install to the floppy. 
 +Boot the computer using the floppy and at the A:\> command prompt type: 
 +which should create a 64K file called BIOS.BIN on the floppy 
 +You may also dump the BIOS using the following alternative method with DEBUG: 
 +M F000:0 FFFF 8000:0 
 +R BX 
 +R CX 
 +W 8000:0 
 +To dump the VGA BIOS type the following followed by enter after each line at the A:\ prompt: 
 +M C000:0 FFFF 8000:0 
 +R BX 
 +R CX 
 +W 8000:0 
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toshiba_t-series_support/faq.1523291913.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018-04-09 16:38 by omolini