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guides:virtual_modem [2019-02-18 04:08]
omolini [VMODEM - A Raspberry Pi Serial to Ethernet interface]
guides:virtual_modem [2022-12-17 19:37]
omolini [Skip to other sections]
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 ~~NOTOC~~ ~~NOTOC~~
-====== ​VMODEM - A Raspberry Pi Serial to Ethernet interface ​====== +====== ​The Raspberry Pi Virtual Modem ======  
-//Turn a Raspberry Pi into a Modem Emulator ​to provide Ethernet access ​to serial terminals and legacy computers.// +// Dial-Up Internet-Service-Provider-in-a-box ! Turn a Raspberry Pi into a Serial Dial-up ​Modem to connect ​to the Internet ​// 
-{{ :​images:​divider3.png?​nolink |}} +\\ 
-{{ :​guides:​pics:​google_search_with_ns3.png?450 |}}+---- 
 +{{ youtube>​H-rCLei0sc8?medium ​}} 
 ---- ----
-Anyone remember the good old days of dial-up connectivity?​ Well, back in 80's and 90's, computers connected using a dial-up modem, and the only thing computers needed was a serial COM port for communication,​ which was included virtually with every computer (USB didn't exist back then!). Nowadays every computer sold has some sort of Wi-fi or Ethernet connectivity,​ and our old legacy computers are just left to rot! Well, I'm planning on changing that! Why? For fun, of course! :-D 
-In this four-part tutorial we will build a Raspberry Pi that will be able to present itself as serial ​modem to a client computer which will enable easy connection to Internet using their pre-existing ​serial port on any Windows 3.1/95/98/Me and any other operating system with built-in support for [[wp>​Point-to-Point Protocol|PPP]]In other words we'll use Raspberry ​to convert ​serial connection to an Ethernet connectionWhen all is said and doneyour old legacy computer will be fooled to think that it's calling an actual [[wp>​Internet Service Provider]] and establishing an Internet connection with them! Your Raspberry Pi will just be telling your computer what it wants to hear, and is providing access ​to the Internet ​using your pre-existing ​Internet ​connection.+\\ 
 +Do you remember the early days of Internet and dial-up connectivity?​ We used to be connected ​to the Internet using a modem connected ​to a telephone network, and the only thing computers needed was a serial port for communication,​ which virtually every computer hadNowadays every computer sold has some sort of Wi-fi or Ethernet connectivity,​ but our vintage computers are left to rot offline! I plan to change thatNowadays, there are many ways you can get a PC online, including getting a 3com 3C503 or 3C509 network adapter, but sometimes an old PC just doesn't have expansion for network card expansion, or maybe you're not even trying ​to connect with PCWellwhatever piece of technological equipment ​it may be, as long as it has at least one serial porta keyboard ​and a display, you're in luck! Get to experience connecting ​to the Internet ​just like during the golden days of the Internet.
 +{{ :​guides:​pics:​vmodem-header.png?​nolink |}}
 +In this four-part tutorial we will build a Raspberry Pi that will act as a serial modem to a legacy computer which will enable a straightforward connection to Internet using a pre-existing serial port on any computer with support for [[wp>​Point-to-Point Protocol|PPP]],​ this includes all Windows computers starting from Windows 3.0 and early Macintosh classics. But PPP support is not strictly required, and even simple serial terminals can connect to the Internet using Linux as a login host. In other words we'll use a Raspberry to convert a serial connection to an Ethernet connection. When all is said and done, your legacy computer will think it's calling a real [[wp>​Internet Service Provider]] and establishing an Internet link with them! Your Raspberry Pi will just be telling your computer what it wants to hear, and is actually the one providing access to the Internet using your pre-existing Internet connection.
 +{{ :​guides:​pics:​win95-dialup2.png?​nolink}}
 The [[.:​virtual_modem:​script|Virtual Modem script]] will not only allow you to connect your old computer to the Internet, it will allow you to use the serial connection to login to the console of the Raspberry Pi or fake [[wp>​Bulletin board system|BBS]] phone calls for example. The VModem script was designed to be modular, and allows you to assign your own Linux scripts to specific phone numbers, accessed with standard Hayes "​ATD12345"​-style commands, and the scripts will be able to do whatever you would like them to do. I will be writing more specific tutorials about these functions at a later time, so stay tuned! The [[.:​virtual_modem:​script|Virtual Modem script]] will not only allow you to connect your old computer to the Internet, it will allow you to use the serial connection to login to the console of the Raspberry Pi or fake [[wp>​Bulletin board system|BBS]] phone calls for example. The VModem script was designed to be modular, and allows you to assign your own Linux scripts to specific phone numbers, accessed with standard Hayes "​ATD12345"​-style commands, and the scripts will be able to do whatever you would like them to do. I will be writing more specific tutorials about these functions at a later time, so stay tuned!
 My goal is to have a Raspberry Pi simulate a Standard 56K modem. Your client computer will be able to communicate with it over serial, and through the Raspberry, connect to the Internet. The baud rate can be changed to your liking. I've tested the virtual modem at the following symbol rates: 9600, 19200, 38400 and 57600 baud. My goal is to have a Raspberry Pi simulate a Standard 56K modem. Your client computer will be able to communicate with it over serial, and through the Raspberry, connect to the Internet. The baud rate can be changed to your liking. I've tested the virtual modem at the following symbol rates: 9600, 19200, 38400 and 57600 baud.
-This guide is useful for anyone who would like to do PPP networking experimentation or have a computer connect to the Internet without a network card. It could also be useful for anyone who would like to experiment with a Virtual Modem. Since pretty much every IBM compatible computer has a RS-232 serial port, technically you could connect any computer to the Internet, as long as there is a way to use PPP. Windows 3.1 will need an extra program called Trumpet Winsock, but Windows 95 and later operating systems have Dial-up networking built-in!+\\
-<WRAP center round info 70%> +{{ :​guides:​pics:​netscape-navigator-4-0-header-2.png?nolink |}} 
-==== Obligatory disclaimer..==== + 
-There may be better ways to accomplish ​the task at handI've designed this process according ​to what has worked for meand there are probably ​plethora of ways this process could be improvedThat's why I welcome improvement ideas and fixes to the guide and scripts providedAlso, obviously, I do not take any responsibility direct or otherwise for any damages that may be caused using the material provided ​in this site. This being said, I've taken every reasonable ​step to make sure everything works as intended.+\\ 
 +This guide is useful for anyone who would like to do PPP networking experimentation or have a computer connect ​to the Internet without a network cardIt could also be useful for anyone who would like to experiment with a Simulated Modem. Since pretty much every IBM compatible computer ​has a RS-232 serial porttechnically you could connect any computer to the Internet, or any other network, as long as there is way to use dial-up PPPWindows 3.0, 3.1 and 3.11 will need an extra program called Trumpet Winsockbut Windows 95 and later operating systems have built-in Dial-up networking. ​will be adding Microsoft TCP/IP-32 for Windows 3.1 support soon. 
 +<WRAP center round info 60%> 
 +**Disclaimer** \\ I cannot ​take any responsibility direct or otherwise for any damages that may be caused ​by using the material provided ​on this site. That being said, I've taken reasonable ​steps to ensure ​everything works as intended. ​There are likely better ways to accomplish some tasks, and as such I welcome all improvement suggestions!
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
-On to the next chapter! ​+\\ 
 +===== Screenshots ===== 
 +| {{:​guides:​pics:​win95-dialup1.png?​nolink}} | 
 +Virtual Modem can be used in conjunction with ProtoWeb, the 90's Internet Service Provider. 
 +Please visit [[http://​]] for more information. 
 +| {{:​guides:​pics:​netscape-navigator-4-0-epic.png?​420|}} | {{:​guides:​pics:​netscape-navigator-4-0.png?​420|}} |  
 +| {{:​guides:​pics:​netscape_cern.gif?​420|}} | {{ :​guides:​pics:​netscape_google.gif?​420 |}} |  
 +On to the next chapter!
 | [[Guides:​Virtual Modem|This Page]] | [[Guides:​Virtual Modem:​Section 2|2 - Shopping list >>]] | | [[Guides:​Virtual Modem|This Page]] | [[Guides:​Virtual Modem:​Section 2|2 - Shopping list >>]] |
-===== Index =====+===== Skip to other sections ​=====
-  * [[Guides:​Virtual Modem|Section 1 - Introduction]] << You are on this page+  ​* **[[Guides:​Virtual Modem|Section 1 - Introduction]] << You are here**
   * [[Guides:​Virtual Modem:​Section 2|Section 2 - Shopping list]]   * [[Guides:​Virtual Modem:​Section 2|Section 2 - Shopping list]]
   * [[Guides:​Virtual Modem:​Section 3|Section 3 - Setting up Raspbian]]   * [[Guides:​Virtual Modem:​Section 3|Section 3 - Setting up Raspbian]]
   * [[Guides:​Virtual Modem:​Section 4|Section 4 - Setting up Virtual Modem]]   * [[Guides:​Virtual Modem:​Section 4|Section 4 - Setting up Virtual Modem]]
 +  * [[Guides:​Virtual Modem:​Section 5|Section 5 - Using Virtual Modem]]
   * [[Guides:​Connecting Windows 3.1 to the Internet]]   * [[Guides:​Connecting Windows 3.1 to the Internet]]
-  * [[Guides:​Connecting Windows ​95/98 to the Internet]] ​COMING SOON +  * [[Guides:​Connecting Windows ​9x to the Internet]] 
-  * [[Guides:​Connecting ​a Digital VT100 compatible terminal ​to the Internet]] COMING SOON +  * [[Guides:​Connecting ​Windows 2000 to the Internet]]
-  * [[guides:​List of Compatible Websites]] List of websites that will work with pre-2000 legacy web browsers. +
-  * [[Guides:​Virtual Modem:​Script|Source code and Coding Examples]]+
-===== Questions? Comments? ===== +  * [[Guides:​Connecting a Macintosh Classic ​to the Internet]] | COMING SOON 
-I welcome any corrections,​ additions, files or any other handy resources you'd like to share. And if you'd like to become ​contributor,​ I would be happy to hear from you!+  * [[Guides:​Connecting ​Serial Terminal ​to the Internet]] | COMING SOON
-| [[:Contact Information]] |+*/
-----+===== Related topics ===== 
 +  * [[http://​​|ProtoWeb,​ the 90's Internet Service Provider]] | Connect your retro computer to surf a real copy of the 90's Web! 
 +  * [[Guides:​List of Compatible Websites|Classic website list]] | List of classic websites that work with classic web browsers. 
 +  * [[Guides:​Virtual Modem:​Script|Virtual Modem Source code and Coding Examples]]
-===== About this site ===== 
-//Resources on this site are provided as-is. I cannot guarantee that the information is accurate and/or that the software will work as expected in your case. As suchI cannot be held responsible ​or liable for any damage(s) caused either directly or indirectly by using any of the resources ​on this site, or by relying on other information I have providedThat saidI've made every effort ​to make sure the information ​and resources provided ​on this site are as accurate as possible. //+---- 
 +===== Get In Touch With Us! ===== 
 +We welcome any correctionsadditions, files or any other handy resources ​you'd like to shareAnd if you'd like to become a contributorwe'd would be happy to hear from you! Feel free to share your thoughts ​and report bugs on our Discord Virtual Modem discussion channelsClick on the Discord logo below to start. \\ 
 +[[​4w6CpZ8|{{:​images:​social-discord.png?​nolink|}}]] ​
-{{tag>​Guides Guides:​Hardware}}+{{tag>​Guides Guides:​Hardware ​Guides:​Networking}}
guides/virtual_modem.txt · Last modified: 2022-12-17 19:37 by omolini