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Useful DOS utilities

Hard disk utilities

ANYDRIVE Anydrive reprograms the BIOS to allow using any hard disk up to 512 MB size, even if the BIOS does not support it. It installs a small transparent program into the boot sector of the hard disk.

CD-ROM utilities

BCD BCD is a CD-ROM drive emulator which will allow you to install and play most CD-ROM based games on a computer without the CD (or a CD drive). Has the widest compatibility between different DOS games.
FAKECD FAKECD is another program to emulate a CD drive. Use this as an alternative if your game doesn't work with BCD.

Video utilities

TM Text Mode “TM” is a video utility that will allow you to switch between different DOS resolutions.
VGA240 Forces 60 Hz modes for 320×200 and 320×240 resolutions on a VGA card that would otherwise be run at 70 Hz to allow video recording with VGA video capture cards.
guides/dos_utilities.txt · Last modified: 2018-09-01 01:21 by omolini