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Steptail Wayback Proxy Server

The Steptail Wayback Proxy Server serves older (circa 90's) web browsers with pages from the era. It is the easiest way to browse the Internet as it was in 1996 through 1998.

You'll need a working Internet connection on your retro computer. This can be either with a direct network connection, or by using the Raspberry Pi Virtual Modem.

The server address at this moment is and runs on the port 8080.

We are in the process of archiving popular websites with an emphasis in having a complete experience with working website features. This means that the data downloaded may not be 100% exactly original, as I work to fix broken links and dynamic features such as web search. Some websites have been manually and painstakingly restored to their original state from various sources (including, while some sites do not exist on the proxy server at this time. If you have ideas culturally significant websites, I take suggestions!

Proxy server is currently in closed BETA ! If you would like to join testing, please contact.

To see which websites are archived and accessible, make sure your proxy server is configured, and direct your web browser to

Setup Instructions for Browsers

I will be running and testing the proxy server on various web browsers, so you'll know to expect that these work.

Netscape Navigator 3.0

  • Open Netscape Navigator 3.0
  • Go to Options –> Network Preferences
  • Open the tab Proxies

  • Type in the proxy server address under HTTP Proxy. Type in the port number 8080 under Port

  • Click OK, then OK again to close out of the Network Preferences window.

Netscape Navigator 4.0

  • Open Netscape Navigator 4.0
  • Go to Edit –> Preferences
  • Under Advanced, open Proxies
  • Select Manual proxy configuration and click on View.
  • Select the first field and type in the server name of the wayback proxy ( and the port 8080:

Netscape Communicator 4.5

  • Is tested and supported. Just no instructions yet :) Stay tuned.

Other Web Browsers

One of the early goals of the project is to test and verify that the web will be accessible with at least the following web browsers:

Internet Explorer

  • Internet Explorer 1.0 - 6.0

Netscape Series

  • Netscape Navigator 1.0 - 3.0
  • Netscape Navigator Standalone 4.0 - 4.08
  • Netscape Communicator 4.0 - 4.8


  • NCSA Mosaic 1.0 - 3.0

Questions? Comments? Contact Me!

guides/web_archive_proxy.1581618577.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020-02-13 18:29 by omolini